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If nMetric Smarter Scheduling is integrated to the client’s ERP (or other “system of record”), the primary method to change an order’s due date is changing it in the ERP. This change will then be reflected in nMetric Smarter Scheduling through an automated update. In this way both systems remain in sync.

If you know the SmartJob™ whose Due Date you would like to change, you can search using either Global Search or Gantt Search. (see Global Search, Gantt Search Help Articles)

1. From the Gantt/Schedule Board click on any Task of the SmartJob™ 

a. Click on the icon to bring up the details dialog.

2. From Global Search

a. Click on the appropriate SmartJob to bring up the details dialog.

3. Click on the SmartJob™ level in the left panel. The General details tab for that SmartJob™ is now displayed.

a. If this field is editable you can click in the Due Date entry box to change the Due Date

b. And “Save”

When the next schedule runs those SmartJobs™ whose Due Dates have been changed will be rescheduled using the revised date