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Gantt Search is used to find SmartJobs™ on the Gantt/Schedule Board. The results are limited to the time horizon configured in Gantt Settings.
1. Enter search criteria in the Gantt Search. This search entry can be a partial match.
a. Click on the “Search” icon.
2. A results grid will be presented at the bottom of the Gantt to allow for interaction on the Gantt/Schedule Board.
a. The grid will begin with information for any SmartJobs that meet the search criteria.
b. You can then expand the row for task level information.
3. Clicking on the icon next to each task will “jump to” the task of that SmartJob™.
a. The Task will also be “highlighted” on the Gantt/Schedule Board.
4. The details dialog can be brought up by double clicking on the task.