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There is a global setting for Transport Time that can be set for a specified time that can then be used, or not. In addition, you can manually set a specific Transport Time to be used between two tasks.

If you know the SmartJob™ where you would like to add or change transport time to one of its Tasks, you can search using either Global or Gantt Search. (see Global SearchGantt Search articles)

1. From the Gantt/Schedule Board click on any Task of the SmartJob™ 

a. Click on the icon to bring up the details dialog.

2. From Global Search

a. Click on the appropriate SmartJob to bring up the details dialog.

3. Click on the SmartJob™ level in the left panel. The General details tab for that SmartJob™ is now displayed.

a. Click on the “Dependencies” tab

4.    The Dependency screen will visually display all the dependencies for the SmartJob.

a.    Click on the task you would like to revise.

b.    You can then click on the icon for opening the dependency details.

5. Clicking on the “Manage Dependencies” icon will bring up a new screen that shows all the details.

a.    You can then either use the “Default” Transport Time that has been set.

b.    Or select “Manual” via the drop down and then entering a specific Transport Time between the selected task and its successor task.

Whichever option you choose you will then need to “Save” your changes.