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1. After opening the Gantt

a. You can select either a Resource View, or a SmartJob View. The Resource View will display Resources on the left panel and the tasks scheduled on them over time. The SmartJob View will display SmartJobs on the left panel along with the task names and resources with task objects scheduled over the horizon on the Gantt.

2. The Gantt Search is used to find SmartJobs and tasks within the Gantt.

a. Type in a text string (partial match is allowed) for the SmartJob name to populate a grid with relevant information about that particular SmartJob and their tasks. Only SmartJobs within the specified horizon can be found using this Search.

b. To find any SmartJob or resource, or customer within the database you would use Global Search.

3. “Scroll To” allows the user to move to a selected “term” without having to pull across the Gantt Chart, aka Schedule Board. When you make a selection, you will be brought to that reference point. 

4. “Scale” allows the user to set the viewing span for:

a. Number of time periods you wish to render

b. For hours, days, weeks, months, or years using the plus and minus buttons.

5. The ellipsis provides two selections for either Gantt settings, or for displaying the Legend of colors that are applied to the task objects for those settings.

6. The Gantt Settings dialog has 3 tabs that start with the General tab

a. With display settings

b. The Date Range that sets the viewable horizon

c. What span types to display

d. And what information will be displayed in the upper an lower span of the task object

7. The Resource View tab

a. Provides the ability to select which resources would be shown on the Resource View of the Gantt.

8. The SmartJob View tab

a. Provides the ability to sort the SmartJobs in the left panel

b. Filter by SmartJobs, Build Parts or Customers

c. By typing in enough information to find what you are looking for.

9. The Legend displays the highlight colors for a variety of information from task status to task identification. 

a. General 

b. Upper Span

c. Lower Span