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When a user opens the Gantt Chart, which ever view was selected the last time that user logged out will be presented.
1. To open the SmartJob View of the Gantt click on the “SmartJob View”
2. The SmartJob View opens with all the SmartJobs collapsed.
a. Click on the plus sign to expand a SmartJob.
3. The expanded SmartJob will open with:
a. A row for the task
b. A row for the resource upon which that task is scheduled
4. Clicking on the task will then “jump to” that task on the Gantt
a. with a minimum expansion of time in order to properly view that task
b. And a mini-dialog will appear
5. Clicking on the first icon will bring you to the SmartJob details dialog
6. Clicking on the second icon will bring you to the Resource details dialog
7. Clicking on the third icon will bring you to the Move dialog
8. Clicking on the first icon will bring you to the Adjust Time Segments dialog
9. If you would like to change what is being displayed you would click on the ellipsis
a. And select Gantt Settings
10. If the user wants to change the information being presented, then in the Gantt Settings dialog select the General tab
a. You can then change how compacted the Gantt is displayed
b. The starting point for “Zoom View”
c. Duration of the horizon being presented
d. Whether to display only the tasks, or Unavailable Time, or Bus Duration, or all 3
e. The status of the tasks via color (see the Legend), or not
f. What information will be presented on the upper span of the task object, or not
g. Terms via color (see the Legend)
h. The “pinned” status via text, which would show “R” for resource and “T” for time
i. Or “pinned status by color (see the Legend)
j. And the lower span could also display “time segments”, or not
k. And whether the tasks are Late, or not
l. And finally, whether a task is “Hot”, or not
m. And then “Save” your changes
11. If the user would like to change how the SmartJobs are presented, then in the Gantt Settings dialog in the SmartJob View tab
a. The SmartJobs can be sorted via a selection in the drop down
b. Or the user can filter for specific SmartJobs to be presented by first selecting from the drop down
c. And then entering filter criteria based on that selection, where wild card filtering can be employed.
d. You would then “Save” your selection which will persist until another change is made in this tab.