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The purpose of the Availability Profiles is to identify when the resources are available to work. Availability Profiles must be defined, and resources assigned to Profile Sets before the nMetric scheduling engine can schedule. Availability Profiles are unique to each company and once complete, the Availability Profiles define the available and unavailable times within the working day, week, and year for each resource.

1. Navigate to Maintenance > Availability Profiles

2. The Available Profiles screen now displays:

a. Profile Sets tab

b. Event Template tab

c. Create New Profile Set button

d. Existing Profile Sets with some summary information and an edit and a delete icon.

3. Click on the edit icon of a Profile Set

a. This will show the different events within that Profile Set with some summary information and an edit and a delete icon.

b. You can show all the events, or only available or unavailable events.

c. You can also see a Calendar View

d. Which Resources are assigned to this Profile Set

e. And can access the Profile Set Name and Description

f. There is also a button to Add New events

g. And the ellipsis allows you to see “Expired Events”

4. If you go back to the entry point and click on the Event Templates tab

5. This will show the different Templates with some summary information and an edit and a delete icon that are available to use for creating new Events within any Profile Set.

a. And a “Create New Template” button

Please Review the other Availability articles for more specific topics.