Click on any image to enlarge.
1. Select “Data Export” under the menu item “Reports”
2. Select either a SmartJob or Resource export using the buttons on the left.
a. And then click on “Create New Export”
3. For a SmartJob Export, in the “Filters” tab
a. Create a name for this export
b. Select whether you want this export to be presented on screen, or as a “.zip” file in your downloads folder
c. Whether you want Task details included in this export, or just at the SmartJob level.
d. Which SmartJob statuses to include
e. If you want to limit by SmartJobs on Hold or Tasks within Dispatch
f. And if you want to limit the report by a date range
4. You can also filter to specific SmartJob Names, Customers or Build Parts
a. Start to enter your criteria and a list will be presented. Click on the entries you want to select one or more.
5. On the Columns tab
a. You can select which columns to be included by clicking on the column name to either include, or remove
b. and in what order you would like those columns via dragging the name up or down
6. For a Resource Export, in the Filters tab
a. Create a name for this export
b. Select whether you want this export to be presented on screen, or as a “.zip” file in your downloads folder
c. Whether you want Task details included in this export, or export the configuration for resources.
d. You can then filter by specific Resources, or by Attributes.
e. And if you want to limit the report by a date range
f. You then select which resources the export will contain.
g. And using the buttons to the right the list for selection will show All Resources, or those that have been previously selected.
7. Using the Columns tab
a. You can then select which columns to include in the export
Once the export is generated it will show up in the “Downloads” folder as a “.zip” that will then need to be extracted.
After extraction you can open a new Excel workbook and then drag this file to the open Excel workbook.